Warren Neidich’s New York signage illuminates the fluid nature of city life

Warren Neidich’s New York signage illuminates the fluid nature of city life

December 11, 2024 by Jesi Khadivi


“Created in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, NO VACANYCY (2022) responds to a cultural moment marked by social isolation, business closures, empty streets, urban flight, and, ultimately, resilience and renewal. Yet Neidich’s work resists being read solely through the lens of a public health crisis. Reflecting on the commission, The Mark Hotel owner Izak Senbahar says ‘Post-COVID-19, I wanted to message the world that New York was very much alive. I always had this obsession with roadside neon “No Vacancy” motel signs. I spoke to Warren about it, and he created the sign and brilliantly misspelled it by including “NYC” and made it intermittently blink “No, Vacancy, NYC.”’ The words in Neidich’s 20-foot-tall installation are at once clear and elusive – they come into focus only to disappear seconds later. These alternating terms do not merely signify available rooms, but gesture more broadly towards questions about how we physically occupy space and psychically position ourselves within the city.” – Jesi Khadivi

Warren Neidich

A Proposition for an Alt-Parthenon Marbles Recoded: The Phantom as Other (2023)


Warren Neidich

Issue 108 (2024) with Yves Citton


“For me the singularity concerns not simply the machinic subsumption of human intelligence but includes the moment when human coding power is no longer essential for coding Deep AI. It will be able to do it itself. Machines will code Machines, and not only write code along human prompts, as it is the currently case. Secondly and importantly the code they use may be completely different than those used by humans at this present moment. It will be alien, sublime, faster, less transparent, preventing possibly human intervention in response to it. As such, one of the safeguards of total machinic dominance, human coding, against an ominous dystopic AI future will be removed.” – Warren Neidich

What is a Deep Ecology of the Brain?

What is a Deep Ecology of the Brain?

Paletten Nr. 335-336 (Summer 2024)
Anders Dunker in conversation with Warren Neidich


Guattari’s concept of the Body Without Organs, which had been so important for releasing the body from the regimentation of Fordist Labor and Taylorism as well from the restraints of the scientism of psychoanalysis, is no longer up to the task in the regime of cognitive capitalism, in which the acorporeal mind and brain are now the ”predominant” forms of labor. The Brain Without Organs as a conceptual construct was a creative act that instigated change and released the brain, as the Body Without Organs did for the body from the restrictive and despotic regimes of, on the one hand, the genetic code and, on the other, the ideological and despotic constructs, such as psychoanalysis and capitalism.” – Warren Neidich