Scoring the Tweets (2018)

Rumor to Delusion
9.05.2019 – Opening performance
Zuecca Project Space, Giudecca 33, 30133 Venice
58th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia, Italy

First exhibited at PRISKA PASQUER (Köln, DE).

Gallery Page

On Cognitive Capitalism

Rumor to Delusion interview by Hans Ulrich Obrist

Rumor to Delusion

May 5 – November 24, 2019
Zuecca Project Space
La Biennale di Venezia, Italy

Pizzagate: From Rumor to Delusion

Video, 19:19
"Pizzagate: From Rumor to Delusion" is an experimental documentary that describes our post-truth society through the Pizzagate fake news story.

Scoring the Tweets

Köln, DE